Linda Nordh
2013 grundade Agneta bloggen
Skönhetsredaktörerna.se på Aftonbladet. Hon är speciellt intresserad av grön kemi, ingrediensteknologi och skönhet ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Agneta är utbildad i hållbarhetsstrategier vid Cambridge University i England och förra året blev hon listad av Diversified Communication UK som en av Skandinaviens mest inflytelserika personer inom ”Green Beauty”. Följ Agneta på @agnetaelmegard.
2013 grundade Agneta bloggen
Skönhetsredaktörerna.se på Aftonbladet. Hon är speciellt intresserad av grön kemi, ingrediensteknologi och skönhet ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Agneta är utbildad i hållbarhetsstrategier vid Cambridge University i England och förra året blev hon listad av Diversified Communication UK som en av Skandinaviens mest inflytelserika personer inom ”Green Beauty”. Följ Agneta på @agnetaelmegard.

Rickard Söderberg
Operasångare och artist
The jury includes about 20 persons with various backgrounds all combined by a strong interest in natural and organic cosmetics. The jury for the 2019 edition is under development, for the time being, the following jury members are confirmed.

Helen Borg
Make-up artist & Hair Stylist
Makeup-artist, hair stylist and organic skin care therapist. Started as a hair dresser in London 25 years ago. Works with fashion and commercial photography and occasionally movies. Recently educated as organic skin care therapist.

Catarina Pap de Pestény
CEO Acadermia
Founder and owner of the beauty fair Acadermia. Catarina has more than 10 years experience from business development, brand strategy, events and graphic design. Between 2013 and 2017 she headed the leading beauty fair Acadermia.

Jessica Kempe
Editor in Chief Tidningen Kosmetik
Editor in Chief for Kosmetik Magazine, Swedens oldest trade magazine for everyone in the beauty industry. Jessica covers everything from trends to research within the beauty industry.

Katarina Di Leva
Photographer & Designer
Photographer and designer. Among other things, Katarina has taken photos for several books within food and health. Katarina also works with personal development and healing.

Lisen Sundgren
Herbalist & Author
Herbalist, author and 'green' entrepreneur with extensive experience within natural organic cosmetics. In 2004 Lisen founded her own brand ”Lisen Organics”, with hand made, natural products. In 2008 her first book was published called 'Lisens herbal spa'. Last year she was elected as one of the 'green inspireres' by Green Match.

Maria Hellström
Hairdresser Green Heads
Hair Dresser and entrepreneur who manages the salon Green Heads in Stockholm. The salon is certified by 'Grön Salong' (Green Salon) which is an environmental certification that ensures that hair dressers and customer does not come in contact with harmful substances frequently present in many conventional hair products.

Maya Nestorov
Blogger & Influencer
Holistic health- and beauty influencer & youtuber. Maya is a dedicated health and food inspirer who's catchwords are natural, organic and holistic. At her blogg at naturligtsnygg.se she shares her tips for inner happiness, holistic health , recepies and natural beauty.

Johanna Bjurström
Beauty Expert
Johanna has worked within health and beauty for more than 20 years. She is educated skin therapist, dermopath and homeopath and has run several holistic skin care clinics. Today she manages Holistic Health Academy and is beauty expert at Kurera, a health portal and magazine.

Maria Forssén
Entreprenör and business developer who cares for female networking and businesses. She runs the fair Stockholm Beauty Week which will be arranged for the sixth year in a row next year. Maria is also the founder of the female business network 'Shenet'.

Karin Björkegren Jones
Author and blogger
Authoer, blogger and yoga teacher who for decades has inspired women to healthier, and stronger lives. Karin has written multiple books all united by the topic of female health and well-being. This is also the topic in Karins new popular podcast called 'Kvinnoliv' (Womens Life)

Camilla Garcia
Spa Manager Grand Hotel Stockholm
Camilla has worked within the health industry for 20 years, of those 15 has been spent as Spa Manager at Grand Hotel in Stockholm which is ranked as one of the 10 best spas world-wide. Camilla is a martial arts expert and educated sports massage therapist.

Erika Söderberg
Concept Developer
Erika is grown up with NOC products thanks to her mother Lena Losciale who is a frontrunner within NOC. Erika is educated as hair-dresser and spa-therapist and has a deep understanding of environmentally friendly products. Today she works within concept development within retail.

Blossom Tainton Lindquist
Artist and health profile
Blossom Tainton Lindquist has been one of Swedens' most popular health personalities for more than 20 years. She is known as host for the TV-show "Toppform", her own health magazine "Blossom Magazine", but also as a belowed artist and one of the members of the group Afrodite. Blossom is an holistic lifestyle coach, PT, yoga instructor and ayurevedic health councellor. She has just joined as co-owner of Fröjel Resort and Spa in Gotland.

Sara Danius
Professor in literature
Sara Danius is professor in literature and formerly permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy. She has a commitment for fairness issues as well as an interest for natural, organic cosmetics which is in line with her environmental awareness. In addition, she has a passionate interest in fashion and beauty, and she is also known in Sweden for personifying the 'tied blouse'.

Lina Nertby Aurell & Mia Clase
Authors, bloggers & entrepreneurs
Lina Nertby Aurell and Mia Clase is the duo behind Food Pharmacy. They are best friends from childhood and it took them 30 years to understand that they were born to work together. Today, they are authors of two best-selling books, successful bloggers, pod-casters and entrepreneurs. These two professionals in inflammatory food are now looking forward to test natural organic cosmetics.

Laura Jansson
Product Expert Happy Food Store
Laura Jansson is the beauty entrepreneur who began her career as a make-up artist in FInland. Now she continues as product expert for natural organic cosmetics at Happy Food Store in Stockholm. Happy Food Store is the Swedish version of the Finnish chain Ruohonjuuri, a forerunner within health food, superfood and natural organic cosmetics.

Jeanette Gustafsson
Jeanette Gustafsson runs the blog Green Beauty Choices since 2009. It is one of the first green beauty blogs in Sweden. In the blog Jeanette focuses on spreading information, tips, and news for those who are interested in green beauty options.

Anna Rydne
Sustainability blogger and author
Anna Rydne is the mohter of four who blogs about living sustainably and climat friendly in the big city. She has just released her book 'Urban Eco - giode to a climate friendly and toxic free life'. She can be found on Instagram @annaskemtvatt and through her blog www.annaskemtvatt.com.